Both of Toro Waaka's parents are Ngāti Pāhauwera. He grew up around the Mohaka area, moving around the Hawkes Bay with his parents who were both teachers. He is currently the Chair of Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust, Chair of Hawkes Bay Māori Tourism, Director of Ngāti Pāhauwera Commercial Development Limited, Chairperson of Māori Battalion D Company Research Committee and Co-Chair of the Hawkes Bay Regional Council Regional Planning Committee. Toro and his wife Marion own Napier Prison Tours and Audiotourz. Toro was appointed MNZM for services to Māori and the community due to his involvement in employment, community development, conservation and tourism initiatives over the past 45 years. Toro has worked for the Community Employment Group, Wairoa District Council, and Department of Conservation, and was a Fisheries Commissioner and CEO of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. Toro was a member of the Section 30 Committee which was the entity prior to the Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust. He was a researcher and negotiator for the claim.

Kia ora whanau - Ko Mohaka toku awa, ko Mohaka toku whenua, ko Mohaka toku ukaipo. My name is Charlie Lambert and I am Ngati Pahauwera. Our Pahauweratanga comes from Mohaka - I say let’s start there. Our numbers back home are dwindling, we need to turn this around, NPDT can help by freeing up land, by supporting home ownership, by creating employment and by creating more land use options for whanau owned land. Our marae need support. We could help out with wananga around tikanga, reo training, developing education resources. We could provide digital access to information to enable individuals to grow their own cultural knowledge base. Kaitiakitanga is everybody's responsibility, let us share this out back home rather than leave it to NPDT. Lets think of more ways for whanau to reconnect and/or give them more opportunities to come home.

I am passionate about Pāhauwera and the time has come for me to give back to my Iwi. I am happy to share the knowledge gained from my years of international and domestic trade. I understand the board process and I have structured my career around building and maintaining strong relationships. Honesty, integrity and strong business acumen are at the forefront of my career path. I have been in the Horticultural industry for almost 30 years and this has given me a strong affinity with the Agricultural sector. Starting at the coal face with a pair of secateurs and a hand saw, I made my way through the rank and file into the various management roles I have held throughout the supply chain. I am an advocate for responsible and ethical practices throughout the entire supply chain. I am currently a Regional Manager for a Norwegian-based company as part of an 800-strong team that designs high-end technology for fruit sorting, recycling and mining. My role gives me a great insight into the latest technology and a strong understanding of global trends in this space. I believe our iwi aspirations can be broken down into five bottom lines - financial, social, cultural, and environmental and governance. The basis of our Pahauweratanga lies in the rivers, valleys and hills of the Mohaka region. I have experience as a treaty negotiator and as a trustee. I continue to serve our people through Health research, through our marae, and through the HB District Health Board and HB Regional Council. I am ready for this challenge.

Siobhan Storey
I whakapapa to Ngati Pahauwera through my grandmother Tina Storey nee Huata, whose father was Richard (Dick) Huata. I am seeking this opportunity to help grow a prosperous and sustainable future for Pahauwera. My passions in the governance space include education, employment, rangatahi development and engagement, and financial sustainability. I was recently promoted to Financial Controller at QRS in Wairoa, the second largest employer in the District. The skills and knowledge that are attributed to this role put me in good stead to make informed financial decisions for Pahauwera. I have studied Maori Resource Management and Law and I am currently studying Business, majoring in Accounting. Governance experience includes being treasurer at Te Hononga o Nga Awa Trust (a Kahui trust under the Tatau Tatau o Te Wairoa settlement), secretary at Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Hunting Club, a trustee at Tairawhiti REAP and committee member and voluntary coach at Wairoa Boxing Club. I believe that I can use my skills to help Pahauwera rise to the next level while nurturing the relationship between the people of Pahauwera and the Development Trust. I am honest, reliable, and driven, qualities that I believe all people in governance should exude. Given this opportunity, I will offer a fresh and vibrant perspective and exciting new ideas to encourage fruitful development. I look forward to a bright and prosperous future for Pahauwera!

Gerald is was a former Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust Trustee of eight years. The first four years negotiating with the Crown successfully for our claim. The second four years were spent helping set up infrastructure and participating in further negotiations with Government Agencies to assist the Trust. Living in the rohe with partner Robyn Culshaw and three children as ahi kā Gerald has a true passion for the area and understands the wants and needs of his people. Gerald is currently helping with the Raupunga water supply voluntarily. He knows most good things take time and since he has bought a house in Raupunga he is here for the long haul. Gerald says, 'I am a patient man and my father still remains my inspiration along with my family.

Ko ona tipuna e whakahuihui nei i tona whakapapa ki a Ngati Pahauwera o naianei, ko Mehaka Tumataroa, ko Maata Te Maapara, ko Ihipera O’Keefe ratau ko Ropotini Tiopira. Ko ona karangatanga hapu ko Ngati Kurahikakawa, Ngai Tatua, Ngai Tuhemata me Ngati Kukura. Chaans is married to Michelle (nee’ Brown.) He was born in Hastings to Okeroa Tumataroa and Priscilla Clarke; where by virtue of whakapapa is affiliated to Iwi including Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Porou, Te Arawa, Nga Puhi and Ngai Tahu. He was raised at Huramua by his grandfather Guy Tumataroa with the Waihua and Mohaka rohe’ featuring prominently in his childhood. Chaans was schooled at Turiroa School and then went on to Wairoa College. background in the Haahi Mihinare (Maori Anglican Church) has seen him encounter a lot of Pahauwera whanau, having served them both at home and outside of the district. Former governance experience includes being a marae trustee and member of various boards and committees including the General Synod and Standing Committee of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; which gives final directives to the St Johns College Trust board (one of the largest private charitable trusts in NZ) Present governance roles include being a current Trustee to the Ngati Pahauwera Development and Tiaki Trusts, Director of Ngati Pahauwera Commercial Development Limited, Trustee & Chair of the Huramua Marae, Chair of the Wairoa, Mohaka, Waikaremoana Pastorate, Chair of the Kahungunu ki te Wairoa (Maori Anglican) Rohe and representative to the Pihopatanga ki te Tairawhiti AGM and Standing committee. “Ko nga mea katoa e mea ai koutou, mahia a ngakautia, hei mea ki te Ariki” Korohe