For Schools
There are three sections of information available for use in schools. These are NZ Histories, Matauranga and Information for BOT’S and Principals.
Ngati Pahauwera Histories (with cross-curricula connections)
Waiata of Ngāti Pāhauwera [all ages]
Te Huki: he tipuna, he marae [Y5-10]
Maungataniwha & Mangahouanga [Y1-8]
NB. Year levels are indicative only.
Watch this space for more histories resources!
Tangaroa with Pio
Marleen Skeet,Colin Culshaw, Charlie Lambert and Charlie King (trout fishing, reti board, hāngī stones)
Pāhauwera Whakataukī:
Guide for teaching pepeha:
My gift to Tangaroa (a short story by Zeb Nicklin, with teaching suggestions):
Moteatea from Te Wairoa (Y9-10 English/History):Taku aroha
Korowai resource for kaiako to protect the tapu of the mātauranga they are teaching:
Nga Pakiwaitara o Kahungunu (a resource from 1990s compiled by Te Rina Joe & Pirihira Pilmer):
Ngāti Pāhauwera & the Mohaka River (Wai 119 summary):
Mātauranga Pāhauwera
Jesus H Christ [English – Year 9-10]
Hā – by Toni Huata – Hauora [PE/Health – Y5-8]
Year levels are indicative only.
For BOT'S and Principals
What does manaakitanga look like at our kura? A draft resource that explores how mainstream schools can give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.