For Schools

There are three sections of information available for use in schools. These are NZ Histories, Matauranga and Information for BOT’S and Principals.

Ngati Pahauwera Histories (with cross-curricula connections)

NB. Year levels are indicative only.

Pāhauwera Whakataukī:

Guide for teaching pepeha:

My gift to Tangaroa (a short story by Zeb Nicklin, with teaching suggestions):

Moteatea from Te Wairoa (Y9-10 English/History): He tangi 

Moteatea from Te Wairoa (Y9-10 English/History):Taku aroha 

Korowai resource for kaiako to protect the tapu of the mātauranga they are teaching: 

Nga Pakiwaitara o Kahungunu (a resource from 1990s compiled by Te Rina Joe & Pirihira Pilmer):

Ngāti Pāhauwera & the Mohaka River (Wai 119 summary):

Mātauranga Pāhauwera

Jesus H Christ [English – Year 9-10] 

Year levels are indicative only.

For BOT'S and Principals

What does manaakitanga look like at our kura? A draft resource that explores how mainstream schools can give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

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