For Schools
There are four sections of information available for use in schools.
1. NPDT histories resources,
2. General classroom resources,
3. Useful links for iwi histories.
4. For BOTS and principals
1. Ngati Pahauwera Histories (with cross-curricula connections)

1. Whakataukī from Ngāti Pāhauwera, Tākitimu & Kahungunu (Y1-13) – including: explanations, activities, pūrākau, history, whakapapa.
2. Te Huki: he tipuna, he marae (Y5-10) – including: pūrākau, history, art, whakapapa, numeracy tasks, research projects.
3. Te Kahu o te Rangi: he tipuna, he marae (Y5-10) – including: pūrākau, art, history, whakapapa, numeracy tasks, research projects.
4. PD for kaiako:
a. He korowai – a guide for kaiako to protect the tapu of mātauranga in these resources.
b. Kahungunu histories ticket – supporting and empowering kaiako to teach Māori histories even when Te Ao Māori may be unfamiliar.
5. Waiata of Ngāti Pāhauwera (all ages) – including audio, kupu, explanation, moteatea, whakapapa, history.
6. The six seasons of Ngāti Kahungunu (Y1-8) – including pūrākau, maramataka, art task, literacy and numeracy activities.
7. My gift to Tangaroa: a short story by Zeb Nicklin (Y3-10) – including teaching suggestions for art, PE, literacy, numeracy, science and technology.
8. Hāngī stones: Mōhaka hararā, Taupunga, Ōpunga (Y1-10) – including whakataukī, science, waiata, history.
9. Unpacking two moteatea from Te Wairoa (Y9-13) – English/Social Studies.
a. He tangi:
b. Taku aroha:
10. Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi (Key Phase 2) – including teaching suggestions, history, literacy/numeracy, art, whakapapa.
11. Pirinoa Pou (and the 1869 attack on Mohaka) – Wairoa Museum display label.
12. An interview with Charlie Lambert about Ngāti Pāhauwera history (October 2023) – including pūrākau, whakapapa, history, whakataukī.
13. Ētahi kōrero mai a Ngāti Pāhauwera-This resource was written by Charlie Lambert, with sources that include: JT Mitchell, Te Kuta Books, Wepiha Wainohu and Arapera Te Hapuku re boundaries of Te Kahu o te Rangi, George Thompson, Itereama Te Whareroa Kupa, Te Kura Motuhake o Te Ataarangi ki Te Wairoa, as well as whakapapa books belonging to Ngari Huka, Hineruku & Waikato Mohi, Cordry Huata, Ruku Wainohu, and Taranaki Winiata
2. General classroom resources

1. Guide for teaching pepeha (Y4-13) – including templates for Māori and non-Māori, explanation, teaching suggestions.
2a. Dinosaurs of Maungataniwha & Mangahouanga (Y1-8) – including fossils, geology, te reo Māori, science, literacy/numeracy activities.
2b. A version for Y5-6 (by Annie Rurawhe):
3. Hā for hauora (Y5-8) – including the waiata Hā by Toni Huata, activities for PE/Health/literacy, yoga in te reo Māori, video challenge.
4. Jesus H Christ (Y9-11) – English/History.
3. Useful links for iwi histories

1. Mohaka ki Ahuriri (2004) Waitangi Tribunal report.
2. A foundational text for Kahungunu histories and pūrākau: Tākitimu by J.H. Mitchell (first published 1944).
3. Important text for Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa: The Story of Old Wairoa and the East Coast, New Zealand, Or, Past, Present, and Future : a Record of Over Fifty Years’ Progress by T. Lambert (first published 1925).
4. Nga Pakiwaitara o Kahungunu / The stories of Kahungunu (1990s resource compiled by Te Rina Joe & Pirihira Pilmer)
5. Ngāti Pāhauwera & the Mohaka River (Wai 119 summary)
6. Mohaka Marae Centenary Book – 1986
7. Ruaumoko’s Walk (2014) – a story about tsunami and earthquakes (from Hawkes Bay Emergency Management Group).
a. Read aloud in te reo Māori:
b. Read aloud in English:
c. Accompanying teacher’s guide:
8. Photographs of the whakairo (carvings) inside Te Kahu o te Rangi, Waipapa-a-iwi Marae, Mohaka.
Waiata of Ngāti Pāhauwera [all ages]
Te Huki: he tipuna, he marae [Y5-10]
Maungataniwha & Mangahouanga [Y1-8]
NB. Year levels are indicative only.
Watch this space for more histories resources!

Tangaroa with Pio
Marleen Skeet,Colin Culshaw, Charlie Lambert and Charlie King (trout fishing, reti board, hāngī stones)
Pāhauwera Whakataukī:
Guide for teaching pepeha:
My gift to Tangaroa (a short story by Zeb Nicklin, with teaching suggestions):
Moteatea from Te Wairoa (Y9-10 English/History):Taku aroha
Korowai resource for kaiako to protect the tapu of the mātauranga they are teaching:
Nga Pakiwaitara o Kahungunu (a resource from 1990s compiled by Te Rina Joe & Pirihira Pilmer):
Ngāti Pāhauwera & the Mohaka River (Wai 119 summary):
4. For BOT'S and Principals

What does manaakitanga look like at our kura? A draft resource that explores how mainstream schools can give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.